Those words can be a sigh of relief and a wave of fear all at the same time, and that's normal. It can mean finally having an answer to what's been going on with your gut, and then the overwhelming thought of where to start.

This is a marathon, with hurdles, and it starts at a different time in either yours or a family members life; but it's a marathon you can win one step at a time.
You don't need to go crazy at the supermarket and but everything labelled "gluten free". Do some research. Social media is a treasure chest filled with supportive groups that can help you navigate your way to the start line.
Below is a list of awesome facebook groups you should check out. Utilise the search functions to find what you are looking for.
Coeliac New Zealand (there also regional groups - easily found on FB). I also recommend joining CNZ and i'll explain why a little further down
How to Coeliac Morgan is a kiwi GF blogger based in the UK and an absolute legend!
Coeliac New Zealand is a non-profit organisation, and our voice when it comes to coeliac disease in NZ! You get access to a wealth of knowledge (including a specialist medical panel), member only events and competitions, a support network of like minded people across New Zealand, attend kids club events, online events and so much more. The membership fees go towards the above plus providing medical professionals, food manufacturers, eateries and researchers with valuable resources to raise the awareness of coeliac disease. On the way home from my biopsy, I joined CNZ and have continued to renew my membership each year.
#glutenfree #foodblogger #glutenfreefoodblogger #fogfoodnz #coeliac #coeliacnz #glutenfreeliving #glutenfreefood